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- }0a0000m8eb0n8de0ofcb0ld34
- {g -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-{g
- -== ==-
- -== {fWhere's the Info. ? ? {g==-
- -== ==-
- -== {f Also titled :- {g ==-
- -== ==-
- -== {aSHH! {fDon't tell the{g ==-
- -== {fDevelopers ! {g ==-
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- {a Have you searched for some obscure information for hours, looking through
- dozens of large books with words like {l"{nHARDWARE{l"{a or {l"{fSYSTEM{l"{a in their title?
- If so, the chances are that you are an annoyed coder who is being deprived
- of information which you can't seem to get anywhere.
- It is only through exploration and testing that you will find out what
- certain things do.
- It seems that the people who write these manuals either don't want to tell
- anyone about certain things or they don't know themselves because the
- information simply isn't accessible to the everyday user.
- If you are wondering what sort of information I am talking about, I refer
- you to page {n294 {aof the {mHarware Refernce manual. {l No!! {a Don't hop out and buy
- it, I've reproduced the details here:
- Page 294 of the Hardware reference manual (Appenix D - System Memory Map)
- {e$100000 {a- {e$1FFFFF {a- {fReserved. Do not use.
- {e$A00000 {a- {e$BEFFFF {a- {fReserved. Do not use.
- {e$D80000 {a- {e$DBFFFF {a- {fReserved. Do not use.
- {e$E00000 {a- {e$E7FFFF {a- {fReserved. Do not use.
- {e$F00000 {a- {e$FBFFFF {a- {fReserved. Do not use.
- Okay, that is just one example.
- The question I am asking is... {fWHY? {a Why shouldn't we use these addresses?
- What are they reserved for?
- The ideal text would read as ...
- {e$100000 {a- {e$1FFFFF {a- {fReserved for multiplexed dongle matrix (Or whatever){a
- ... and so on and so forth ...
- Another problem is the way in which these books are written.
- There are two types of people who are interested in books of this nature.
- {l1) {mSystem programmers
- {l2) {mHardware Designers
- {a Most people fall into the first catagory and therefore are quite happy with
- the information with which they have been provided.
- {mHowever, {a if you intend to build your own hardware, you will find that these
- manuals fall short of completion.
- If you want in depth information on the pin outs of for example the 86 pin
- expansion connector, you are in for a disappointment.
- The authors have tried to cater for both needs but sadly, they have missed
- out information which both parties need.
- The ideal solution would have been to write two books, one for each type of
- subject, but in their infinite wisdom, they decided that one "Definitive" book
- would be enough. {e(NOT!){a
- For example, Say you wanted to know what the 20th Byte of the gfxbase
- structure contained. Where would you look ?
- {nHardware Reference Manual ?
- {nSystem Programmers Guide ?
- {nAdvanced System Programmers Guide ?
- {nMapping the Amiga ?
- {a Well, If you chose one of the last two, you would be correct.
- The first two manuals (Which are acclaimed to be {f"{nDefinitive{f"{a guides) hold
- no in depth information on many things.
- Another well mapped (haha) area of the amiga's memory are the CIA's Out of
- the above four books, only 1 contains a bit by bit explanation of the CIA
- addresses.
- New developments are another case of the {f"{mHide the info{f"{a syndrome.
- Remember when ECS first came out ?
- No one knew what the new registers did until some months later, {nCommodore{a
- published a revised hardware reference manual.
- The same problem has now happened with the arrival of the A1200
- Nobody knew anything about the new hardware registers until {kSatanic Rites{a
- helped them out,
- It is only through Scene magazines that a lot of information has been
- revealed to the masses.
- What the Amiga needs is a REAL {l"{nDefinitive{l"{a book documenting {gEVERYTHING{a But
- until someone writes one, all we can do is continue to distribute this sort of
- {l"{nSecret Information{l"{a in disk mags etc.
- {eRemember :{a
- {g Information is Power!! - Support Satanic Rites !!